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App Overview & Support
App Overview & Support
App Overview & Support
How do I view classes on desktop?
How do I view workouts on my TV? (Android)
What is Barre Definition?
What equipment do I need?
What kind of results can I expect?
Can Barre Definition be used for weight-loss?
Is the desktop different than the mobile app?
What are the conditions of the free trial?
How do I schedule my classes?
Can I watch videos offline? (without WiFi)
How do I view workouts on my TV? (Apple)
What's included in my Barre Definition membership?
Will I bulk up with your workouts?
How long will it take me each day?
What is the difference between her YouTube channel and her app?
If I end my free trial early, can I start another free trial to make up for it?
How do I gift a membership to a friend?
I'm getting an error when accessing the Barre Definition website, what do I do?
How do I view workouts on my TV? (Roku)
How do I view workouts on my TV? (Fire Stick)
Where is the search button on the desktop?
How do I delete a playlist?